"It is very important what not to do" - Iggy Pop
Knowing what not to do is essential.
This is an important lesson which has been compounded across the year.
At the start of 2023, I was juggling:
A full-time job
Writing a weekly newsletter to 2.5k + people
A very ad-hoc podcast
YouTube videos
Social posting on 3 channels
Finding a moment to breathe
I was truly trying to do everything, everywhere all at once. It was stopping me from doing my best work. Some stuff was high quality, whilst others were meh.
Halfway through the year, I decided to turn my “side project” into my full-time focus.
This meant leaving the 9 - 5.
It was a liberating but weird time. It provided the space to recalibrate what I was good at, what I enjoyed and how to invest my time into doing those things really well.
Today, my business runs as:
Weekly newsletter
Running one course
Posting on LinkedIn only
With these 3 focus areas, I can invest time to do these to the best ability.
The lessons here are:
Don’t stretch yourself too thin
Be intentional on what you can actually do really well in the time you have
Design a system that works for you, not what’s popular on x platform
I get this is counterintuitive to what all the social gurus say on these platforms. I’m not here to make 6-figures, go viral or elevate the world’s consciousness and blah, blah, blah.
You don’t need to be self-employed to leverage these tips. You can easily apply these in any career. At its core, you’re learning the art of focused impact by doing less.
I hope these words help you.